Introduction to Distribution Visualizations

In a previous lesson, we explored descriptive statistics as a technique for understanding the distribution of (primarily one-dimensional) data. While useful, these analytic quantities have limited utility since they provide summary descriptions, and, especially for those people new to the field, they do not always convey information in a simple manner. In this notebook, we instead use visual techniques to explore one-dimensional data to understand how data are distributed. This method can be a very effective technique for comparing and contrasting data.

In particular, this lesson will explore three different types of visual techniques for conveying information:

  1. a rugplot,
  2. a boxplot, and
  3. a histogram.

In this notebook, we will use the tips dataset from the Seaborn module to explore how these different visualization techniques can be used to understand a data distribution.

Before making any plots in a notebook, we need to specify that the plots should be displayed inline, which is done in the following code cell. We also employ the Seaborn module, described previously, to make all plots in this notebook more visually appealing. Next, we include several lines that will suppress any warnings that can sometimes occur when making visualizations (for example, due to changes in the installed software stack). Finally, we load the tips dataset, which will be used for the visualizations in this notebook.

In [1]:
# Set up Notebook

%matplotlib inline

# Standard imports
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

# We do this to ignore several specific Pandas warnings
import warnings


# Load the Tips Data
tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")


A rugplot is a simple plot that displays a one-dimensional distribution of data. In Python, we can make rugplots by using the rugplot function provided by the Seaborn module, which takes a column from a Pandas DataFrame, such as tips['total_bill'], and draws short vertical lines along the x-axis for every data point in the column. Optional arguments to this function include a height parameter, which specified how long (in inches) the vertical line should extend, lw for the thickness of the vertical line (too small and it becomes hard to see the lines, and too large will cause adjacent lines to blend together), and the color parameter, which specifies a color for the vertical lines. For example, color = sns.xkcd_rgb["pale red"] will set the histogram color to be the Seaborn pale red, which is inspired by the XKCD comic strip. For more color examples, see the HTML color name page, or the Seaborn palette webpage.

In [2]:
# Define plot layout
fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 1.5))

# Make the rugplot
sns.rugplot(ax = axs, a=tips['total_bill'], height=0.25, lw=0.5, color = sns.xkcd_rgb["pale red"]) ;

While illustrative, this simple rug plot does not convey the necessary information in a clear and visually compelling manner. Before proceeding, we can make several changes to the plot to improve the presentation and emphasize the distribution of points more clearly. First, we remove the box and eliminate a y-axis, which is unnecessary for this one-dimensional plot (this is done by using both Seaborn to trim the unused axes and by indicating there are no tick marks for the y-axis, which is done by passing in an empty array to the set_yticks method. Finally, we annotate the plot appropriately.

In [3]:
# Define plot layout
fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 1.5))

# Make the rugplot
sns.rugplot(ax = axs, a=tips['total_bill'], height=0.25, lw=0.5, c = sns.xkcd_rgb["pale red"])

# Remove y axis (by using empty array)

# Set x-axis length and label
axs.set_xlim(-2, 62)
axs.set_xlabel('Total Bill (\$)', fontsize=14)

# Title the plot
axs.text(30, 0.45, 'Rug Plot (Tips Data)', ha='center', fontsize=14)

# Clean up plot appearance
sns.despine(ax=axs, left=True, offset=2, trim=True)

We can also compare and contrast two data set directly by plotting their rug plots together. This method is demonstrated below, where we compare the total_bill column in the tips data set, distinguished by lunch and dinner. In this case, we loop over the two data sets and repeat the plot functionality as needed. To display two rugplots on the same Matplotlib figure, we have to change our plotting code slightly. First, we pass into the subplots function several extra parameters:

  • nrows: the number of rows that will contain sub-plots,
  • ncols: the number of columns that will contain sub-plots,
  • sharex: whether the plots share the x-axis, and
  • sharey: whether the plots share the y-axis.

Thus, if we wish to have two plots, one on top of the other sharing the same x-axis, we have the following functions call:

fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True)

The axs variable holds a Python list that contains the plot axes for each sub-plot. To change which set of axes are used for a given plot, we simply select the appropriate element from the list, which is shown in the code example below. Overall, this technique works for simple plot layouts. We will cover more complex plot layouts in a subsequent module.

In [4]:
# Collect our two data sets as NumPy arrays
data_tips = []
data_tips.append(tips.loc[tips.time == 'Lunch', ['total_bill']].as_matrix())
data_tips.append(tips.loc[tips.time == 'Dinner', ['total_bill']].as_matrix())

# Define the plot layout
fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 4.0), nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True)

# Define plot colors and titles
clr = [sns.xkcd_rgb["pale red"], sns.xkcd_rgb["denim blue"]]
ttl = ['Lunch Time', 'Dinner Time']

# Make each subplot
for idx, data in enumerate(data_tips):
    # Rugplot, with set rug height, thickness, and color
    sns.rugplot(ax = axs[idx], a=data, height=0.25, lw=0.5, c = clr[idx])
    # No y-axis
    # Define x-axis limits and label
    axs[idx].set_xlim(-2, 62)
    axs[idx].set_xlabel('Total Bill (\$)', fontsize=14)
    # Title each plot
    axs[idx].text(30, 0.45, ttl[idx], ha='center', fontsize=14)
    # Clean up each plot
    sns.despine(ax=axs[idx], left=True, offset=2, trim=True)

Student Exercise

In the empty Code cell below, write and execute code to make two new rugplots, where the total_bill column is displayed first for female patrons and second for male patrons. Be sure to annotate your plot appropriately.

In [ ]:


A boxplot provides a non-parametric, graphical description of the distribution of a set of data. The basic component in the box plot is the box, which encloses the middle 50% of the data (one edge is drawn at the 25th percentile, and the opposite edge is drawn at the 75th percentile), with a line (and an optional indentation mark) drawn at the median of the distribution. The box often has whiskers extending from either end, which are used to mark the extremes of the data distribution. Generally, outliers are removed before calculating the minimum and maximum used to display the whiskers, in which case they are displayed individually extending past the end of the whiskers.

To make boxplots, we will use the Seaborn boxplot function, which can extract a column from a Pandas DataFrame to display the data. This method is demonstrated in the following code cell, where the total_bill column is displayed. Following this, two comparative boxplots are drawn to show the difference in the distributions of the total_bill column for lunch and dinner receipts. This second plot demonstrates how a boxplot can aid in the comparison of two different data sets with a simple visual device.

In [5]:
# Define plot layout
fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 2.5))

# sns.set_style("whitegrid")
ax = sns.boxplot(x=tips["total_bill"], notch=True)

# Set x-axis length and label
ax.set_xlim(-2, 62)
ax.set_xlabel('Total Bill (\$)', fontsize=14)

# Title the plot
ax.set_title('Box Plot (Tips Data)', ha='center', fontsize=14)

sns.despine(left=True, offset=2, trim=True)
In [6]:
# Compare two distributions by using boxplots

fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6), nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True)
adj = plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5)

# Make each subplot
for idx, data in enumerate(data_tips):
    # Boxplot, with notch indicated, oriented horizontal, and set color
    sns.boxplot(ax = axs[idx], x=data, notch=True, orient='h', color = clr[idx])
    # No y-axis
    # Define x-axis limits and label
    axs[idx].set_xlim(-2, 62)
    axs[idx].set_xlabel('Total Bill (\$)', fontsize=14)
    # Title each plot
    axs[idx].set_title(ttl[idx], ha='center', fontsize=14)
    # Clean up each plot
    sns.despine(ax=axs[idx], left=True, offset=2, trim=True)

Student Exercise

In the empty Code cell below, write and execute code to make two new boxplots, where the total_bill column is displayed first for female patrons and second for male patrons. Be sure to annotate your plot appropriately. How does this visual representation communicate information better than the corresponding rugplot?

In [ ]:

Multiple Box Plots

The boxplot function in the Seaborn library enables a more direct comparison. By using this function and specifying a categorical feature in a DataFrame, we can simplify the plotting code (but not necessarily the plot) by allowing Seaborn to make one plot with the distributions of interest. We demonstrate this in the next code cell by displaying the total_bill feature for different days of the week.

In [7]:
# Compare several distributions by using boxplots

fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))

# Boxplot
sns.boxplot(ax = axs, x='day', y='total_bill', data=tips, notch=True)

# Define x-axis limits and label
axs.set_ylim(-2, 62)
axs.set_xlabel('Day of the Week', fontsize=18)
axs.set_ylabel('Total Bill (\$)', fontsize=18)

# Title each plot
axs.set_title('Total Bill Comparison', ha='center', fontsize=20)

# Clean up each plot
sns.despine(ax=axs, offset=2, trim=True)

Swarm Plot

The Seaborn library also provides support for visualizing a univariate distribution as a function of a second categorical variable. This visualization, called a swarm plot, displays the univariate distribution broken out by the categorical variable, but adds jitter (or random perturbations) to the distribution so that the full range of data is viewable. This is demonstrated in the following code cell, where we repeat the last box plot visualization by using the swarmplot method from Seaborn.

This technique can be useful to compare relatively small univariate distributions, especially across a second, categorical feature like gender or day of the week. However, as the number of rows (or items) increases, a box plot is generally easier to understand, since the majority of the data points are not directly displayed.

In [8]:
# Compare several distributions by using swarmplots

fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))

# Swarmplot
sns.swarmplot(ax = axs, x='day', y='total_bill', data=tips)#, notch=True)

# Define x-axis limits and label
axs.set_ylim(-2, 62)
axs.set_xlabel('Day of the Week', fontsize=18)
axs.set_ylabel('Total Bill (\$)', fontsize=18)

# Title each plot
axs.set_title('Total Bill Comparison', ha='center', fontsize=20)

# Clean up each plot
sns.despine(ax=axs, offset=2, trim=True)


A histogram is a binned representation of a data set and is often recommended (by visualization experts) as a basic technique to explore how data are distributed. As a result, it provides a concise representation of data along one dimension, where the size of the representation is determined solely by the number of bins used and not the total number of data points. As a result, it can be used to provide a concise summary of a very large data set.

There are two primary components in computing a histogram from a set of data points:

  1. How many bins should be used?
  2. Where should the bins be placed?

The primary choice is simply how many bins should be used to model the density of points. Using more bins can capture more detail, but is also susceptible to noise. The spacing of the bins can often be left to the visualizing software.


Sometimes the binning can be determined easily; for example, months of the year or days of the week might provide natural bins. Other times, both the number of bins and the bin ranges will need to be determined before the histogram is constructed. A general rule of thumb is that if you have N data points, you should have root-three N bins. The following code summarizes the results from this formula:

In [9]:
# We need to import the math library for the ceil method, which returns 
# the next largest integer to a floating point value.

import math as ma

# Print a header line
print('{0}\t{1}'.format('  # Points', '# Bins'))

# We want to loop from 10 to 100,000,000
for i in range(1,8):
    # Now print out the integer value, and the number of bins
    # We used a math trick here, 10**i**(1/3) = 10**(i/3)
    print("{0:9d}\t{1:4d}\n".format(10**i, ma.ceil(pow(10, i/3.))))
  # Points	# Bins
       10	   3

      100	   5

     1000	  10

    10000	  22

   100000	  47

  1000000	 100

 10000000	 216

Making a Histogram

Now we are in a position to demonstrate how to make and display a histogram by using matplotlib. We first will need data, which for this example we can reuse the tips data set. We also start by using the default number of bins, which is ten, and the default bin range, which is the minimum and maximum data values. Finally, to make the plot visually easier to interpret, we set the alpha parameter, which controls the transparency of the resulting graphic. I find that a value of 0.5 softens the histogram and enables the data to be seen more easily. But you should change this value (to something between 0 and 1) to find a value that appeals to you.

Below, we make several changes. First, we explicitly set the fontsize for several functions, which makes the text easier to read. You can change this value to adjust your preferences. Second, we employ the Seaborn despine function to clean up the plot by offsetting the axes from the data and trimming the axes to the data range.

In [10]:
# Now we create our figure and axes for the plot we will make.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# Now we want to make a default histogram
ax.hist(tips['total_bill'], alpha = .5)

# Set our axis limits, labels, and plot title
ax.set_title("Histogram", fontsize=14)

ax.set_xlabel("Total Bill (\$)", fontsize=14)

ax.set_ylabel("Frequency", fontsize=14)

# Clean up final result
sns.despine(offset=10, trim=True)

In this simple example, we create a histogram, or binned representation, from the 'total_bill' column in the tips DataFrame. Matplotlib automatically creates the ten bins and computes the frequency with which values in the input data set occur in each bin and plots the results.

Histogram Options

Now that our first histogram is completed, we can look at changing the default selections, such as the number of bins, the bin centers, and the color and style of the histogram bins. These values can all be changed by passing parameters into the histogram function.

First, the number and locations of the bins used to construct the histogram can be specified by using the bin parameter. There are several different ways to control this parameter:

  • bins = 22 will give twenty-two bins.
  • bins = (0,20,90,100) will produce three bins that span 0-20, 20-90, and 90-100, respectively.
  • bins = np.linspace(0, 100, 100) will produce one hundred bins linearly spaced between zero and one hundred.

Second, there are four different types of histogram plots that you can make: bar, barstacked, step, and stepfilled, with bar being the default value. The next Code cell demonstrates step; try changing it to one of the other values.

Third, you can specify the line or fill color of the bins by defining the color parameter.

Histogram Range

Sometimes the frequency counts can vary dramatically between bins. In that case, it is often convenient to change the presentation of the frequency counts to improve the discrimination of different bin counts. This change can easily be accomplished by changing the vertical axis to display the logarithm of the frequency count, which is done by setting the optional parameter log to True. In the following example, the Histogram is displayed by using logarithmic binning on the vertical axis; try changing the log=True to log=False to see the difference in the generated histogram.

In [11]:
# Now we create our figure and axes for the plot we will make.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4))

# Now we generate something to plot. In this case, we will need data 
# that are randomly sampled, but we want them to be non-uniform

x = np.sqrt(np.linspace(0, 10000, 10000))
y = x + np.random.uniform(-10, 10, 10000)

# Now we want to make a default histogram
ax.hist(y, bins=20 , histtype='step', lw=3, log=True)

# Set our axis labels and plot title
ax.set_title("Histogram", fontsize=14)

ax.set_xlabel("Random Values", fontsize=14)

ax.set_ylabel("Frequency", fontsize=14)

# Show final result
sns.despine(offset=5, trim=True)

Multiple Histograms

In certain cases, it may be instructive to compare two distributions directly within the same plot. For example, if you have computed a histogram of the ages of people in a population, you might want to differentiate the male and female populations in separate histograms for comparison. This difference can easily be highlighted by simply overplotting two histograms. In the following example, we create two populations, y1 and y2, and display their histograms within the same plot window. Note that by default, the two histograms will be overplotted, so to allow both to be seen, we set the alpha parameter in the second one, which make the second histogram somewhat transparent (based on the value assigned to the alpha parameter).

We also assign a label to each histogram so that the legend method can be used to differentiate between the two histograms.

In [12]:
# Now we create our figure and axes for the plot we will make.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

mybins = np.linspace(0, 60, 15)
ax.hist(data_tips[0], bins=mybins, histtype='bar', label='Lunch')
ax.hist(data_tips[1], bins=mybins, histtype='bar', label='Dinner', alpha=0.5)

# Set our axis labels and plot title
ax.set_title("Comparative Histogram", fontsize=14)

ax.set_xlabel("Total Bill (\$)", fontsize=14)

ax.set_ylabel("Frequency", fontsize=14)


sns.despine(offset=10, trim=True)

The two histograms can also be plotted side-by-side, which can often simplify a comparison. In the following example, we plot two histograms side-by-side. In this case, we pass the two data sets as a list to the same histogram method call, which means we also need to pass the labels as a list. All other parameters will be assigned equally to the two histograms.

In this sample code, we have also used the figure method to specify a larger plot window (which is helpful for comparing multiple histograms).

In [13]:
# Now we create our figure and axes for the plot we will make.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))

mybins = np.linspace(0, 60, 20)
ax.hist(data_tips, bins=mybins, histtype='bar', label=['Lunch', 'Dinner'], alpha=0.5)

# Set our axis labels and plot title
ax.set_title("Comparative Histogram", fontsize=14)

ax.set_xlabel("Total Bill (\$)", fontsize=14)

ax.set_ylabel("Frequency", fontsize=14)


sns.despine(offset=10, trim=True)

In all of the sample codes provided in this notebook, we have ignored the return values from the hist method. In truth, this function returns three items:

  • n, the number contained within each bin. The length of this array is the same as the number of bins used to make the histogram.
  • bins, the bin edges. The number of edges is one more than the number of bins.
  • patches, which are matplotlib plotting objects (to make the bins show up) but you will generally ignore these.

The first two arrays can often prove useful if you want to operate on the histogrammed data (in addition to plotting them). To use these data, you simply capture the returned values:

n, bins, patches = ax.hist(y)

Student Exercise

In the empty Code cell below, write and execute code to display, side-by-side, two new histograms, where the total_bill column is displayed first for female patrons and second for male patrons. Be sure to annotate your histogram plot appropriately. How does this visual representation communicate information better than the corresponding rugplot or boxplot?

In [ ]:

Ancillary Information

The following links are to additional documentation that you might find helpful in learning this material. Reading these web-accessible documents is completely optional.

  1. Matplotlib pyplot tutorial
  2. Matplotlib tutorial from Scipy
  3. Seaborn tutorial
  4. The visualization chapter from the book Python Data Science Handbook by Jake VanderPlas

© 2017: Robert J. Brunner at the University of Illinois.

This notebook is released under the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Any reproduction, adaptation, distribution, dissemination or making available of this notebook for commercial use is not allowed unless authorized in writing by the copyright holder.